Morning Soldier


TPF Noob!
Dec 14, 2004
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Can others edit my Photos
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I love this image for some reason, but I worry that the lighting is a bit much. I hope I don't wear you guys out with Air Force stuff in the next few days but I really need some imput on these photos. Since seeing my son at his graduation the other day, every photo of every soldier makes me cry. I can't even bring myself to work on my son's yet. A hard deal for a mom. :hugs: (I love my little Airman!)
it's a tough image to capture with the strong backlight...i guess a fill flash would have helped...personally i hate using a flash, mostly because i have no clue how to :-|

are you trying to convey the feeling you feel when seeing these guys? do you just want help with the lighting?
Hi Jon and thanks!
I suppose the reason it really "gets to me" is the loneliness and uncertainty that I've read into it. Instead of being tucked away safely at an Air Force Base, I image this young man looking apprehensively towards an unstable future on some battleground somewhere.
I appreciate the annon of the soldier, as he could be any parents son. Just enough light to show he's a soldier, but not enough to reveal him. Does that make any sense? I just don't know that it conveys the same thing to anyone else, except us worried Mothers.
Any wonders you could work with the lighting would be greatly appreciated. Like I said, I like the emotion of the photo (although it may be only my extreme emotional state at the moment), but the lighting to me seems to be on the harsh side. Do your magic JonMikal!
oooo... i like this.
do you mind if i play?

edited to add:

as i said, i really like this image.
i'd like to see the sky saturated a bit...
and maybe a different crop.
Cindy, if you have no objection to others having a go at this, just reply with an OTE.
OTE you guys!!!! I know I'm in for some good stuff. Thank you both for taking the time.
here's my take on the image.
1. sky, saturated.

2. sky saturated, lightened up the soldier a bit, and added a bit of noise.
(i'm on a 'film look' kick)

again, this is a great capture!
nice job.

thanks for letting me play.


Oh, I love the first one. The second one has a bit of noise, but the first one is really beautiful. Thank you!
i'm getting absolutely nowhere with this because i believe only you will see the message you're trying to convey are tied personally and emotionally to this idea. i went with b&w to try and convey a dark uncertainty about his future...lightened the uniform, kept his face somewhat obscured and added a bit of glow <---- beats me why :greenpbl: i liked the way it looked. oh, you need to clean your sensor!!!

That looks great Jon! Is that what the problem is, the sensor?? I'll have to read up how to do that. Thank you!
I gave it a go as well...just three different quick versions...



Oh, and you may want to clean the filter, lens, or sensor, cuz there are some tiny spots showing up in it.
Wow Amanda, I'm totally in LOVE with that third one. Hubby is gonna clean the sensor tonight. Thank you and Jon for the heads up. I couldn't figure out where all the "noise" was coming from.
BTW-do you mind if I swipe your black and white conversion from the third one? (not your actual image because that wouldn't be right, but my attempt to copy it?)
THANK YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! You all did kick A$$ work. Thanks so much for helping me!!!!!!!

Hey, good news. I have a buyer for my Valley Chemical Explosion stuff! Whoohoo! I'm really excited and a little scared too.:confused: :mrgreen: :confused: Again, thank you guys for all the cool stuff you always do.

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