Mountainscape - new to Lightroom


TPF Noob!
Dec 20, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi guys,

Please critique this photo. I'm new to Lightroom so I'm trying out some of the techniques I've learned in tutorials. Please feel free to edit this photo to show me what's up!


$Down Right Fork (1 of 1).webp
Kevin, nice shot. As far as LR processing is concerned, I think the image is just a bit dark. If it was mine, I might try to lighten it up overall, just a bit with the exposure slider, then I might try to lighten up the vegetation in the foreground using the Adjustment Brush a bit. I would take and increase the Clarity a bit and maybe give a Gradient filter a try for the sky. I believe in "experimenting" a lot with LR, as if something that you try doesn't work, you can just undo it. Alternatively, you can create Virtual copies and experiment with different "development" settings. This is a good first try, so keep at it, Lightroom is a great tool. It just takes a bit of time to get to know all the ins and outs, so to speak.

Nice shot, I think you did good here

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A couple of curves adjustments to specific parts of the image, and a couple of HSB masks. Note that is is very hard to do an edit on a 72 dpi file and not get oversaturated...but I think this may be closer to your original vision - then again, it may just be my interpretation of your vision. :D

Great image! I'd brighten it up using the shadows slider, tap the contrast up a little bit, give the vibrance slider a boost. Give it about +10 on the Sharpness amount slider then hold down "option" (on a MAC) and slide the mask slider to somewhere between 90 and 100 (Holding down Option lets you see the edge masking level). Then if you want to kick up the blues in the sky, click on the dot in the upper left of the saturation block and click the blue sky and drag until it's the flavor you want.

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