My Beautiful Wife and My $15 new camera


TPF Noob!
Dec 1, 2007
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I picked up a Nikon N4004 for $15 from my buddy the other day. Here are the first few images I got out of it. All shot with Fuji Reala 100.




4 This is her with our 2 1/2 year old twins

5 And finally my ugly mug with my daughter
I like #1 & #4
#1 - because it kinda give it a childish image, an adult sitting on a slide with a soft toy, its ncie

#4 because it looks like you're wife's a fairy, with only one wing! But its a cute photo
# 2 didn't need as much of the background to make the photo work

I cropped it, and adjusted the levels very slightly to make the red more vibrant

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he's such a cute little boy :)
I'm assuming its all natural light?
I like the adjustments. I actually dropped the red a little with curves from the origional photo. Yes it was all natural light. I don't have a shoe mount for the film camera yet. I have some speed lights for my d300 but they won't work on the older cameras.
I like working with natural light, some people think it's a pain
but with a couple of reflectors you're sorted!

none of this carrying lights about!
Yeah I like natural light too. Especially when working with film. However I don't mind lights when I need them.
the luckiest man is the one who have a happy family

now you are the one.

best wish to you and your families.
Great looking pictures. I really like the colors and the shallow depth of field, but some of them have a little too much headroom.
I like how you got the background blurred while everything important is in focus (from what I can tell at least). Which lens were you using?
ahh yes Reala 100,. I used a lot of one time still have a couple rolls here for my lonely Canon Rebel G,,,use it still at times but am really all digie now,,good photos to by the way:thumbup:
I like how you got the background blurred while everything important is in focus (from what I can tell at least). Which lens were you using?
It's a 50mm 1.8 Good old 50...
ahh yes Reala 100,. I used a lot of one time still have a couple rolls here for my lonely Canon Rebel G,,,use it still at times but am really all digie now,,good photos to by the way:thumbup:

Thanks a lot. I love Reala. It's a good all around film. Good inside and out.

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