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TPF Noob!
Mar 2, 2008
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Wants to sell me a Sigma 24-135mm f/2.8-4.5 IF Autofocus Lens for $200, is this a good deal?
The wider range a lens has, the less clear it'll be.

If you want a good portrait lens, go for a 50mm 1.8. They're cheap and crystal clear.
Will that be much different from my 18-55mm lens?

I take it you have a Canon camera?

The Canon 50mm f/1.8 prime is probably the best lens you can get for the money. Great portrait lens, great everyday lens. It's amazingly clear.
50mm f/1.8 ... I agree with others - you can't lose with this one

I think price of it went up to around $80-$90. Canon finally realized most everyone buys one.

I do not think $200 for a $250 is a bad deal - it's 20% off. BUT I do not own Sigma lens so do not know quality of that lens. Do know that 50mm f/1.8 is AWESOME ... as awesome as $80 can get you :wink:
What are the ups and downs of the wide angle lens?

Up- Wide range. Wide angle to a respectable amount of zoom. Versatility to a degree.

Down- Clarity suffers greatly with that much range of zoom.

You'll get more clarity if you get a 28/24-70, or something like that. Lesser range equals more clarity.

If you're going to be doing portraiture at all, I suggest you get the 50 f/1.8. It seriously is well worth the 80-90 bucks.

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