My first contest entry!


TPF Noob!
Dec 30, 2012
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I'm submitting a photo for an art showcase at my school. I've never done this before, and I am having a hard time choosing. I personally am thinking of choosing one of these three.

Please feel free to look at my gallery in my website and choose one. I think right now I'm leaning towards the third one....
Thank you!
^^Very true

If you want a film look shoot film. If you want an Instagram look shoot instagram. If you want a pro photographer look correct in camera.
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Honestly, I think #1 OR #2 have the best chances. #3, of the leaf??? Oh, no, no way. Just not a good entry, IMHO.
#2 is the best of the lot, I think. The other two feel like technical/artistic exercises.

#2 actually tries to capture a moment, and the processing at least can be construed as supporting the feeling of that moment. It's a little heavy on the processing, but this is Art not Photography, right? I am a fan of straight photography (whatever that even means these days) but I recognize that it's not everything that there is. #2 is something that's not straight photography, but it's an evocative and effective image.
Well-said amolitor!!! ^^^^^^^^. The child's increased elevation over that of the parent is echoed in the two lighthouses in the being much taller, much higher, than the other...that adds quite a bit.
Yeah, I think they all look like they went through a Photoshop blender. I would have stuck with just one uniform creative edit, but too much looks very amateur. Sorry.
As an art piece I actually like the first one. It's very pleasing to look at and there's some nice abstraction going on.
#2 is the ONLY one that has any sense of thought and composition.
Derrel says what I feel too about the background. The details in it are destroyed unfortunately, I don't know what the SOOC looked like, but typically when I see editing like this it's because the original is beyond gone.
In numbers one and three, it seems to me like you tried to make a boring shot "good" by using PP, and were not successful.

Two is a good shot, but I don't understand why you processed it the way that you did. I think it would be much stronger without the ridiculous PP.
No.2 is the best amongst the 3..

You did not ask for a critique but anyway,assuming that you are looking for some constructive criticism,here is my take at the pics--I agree with all the people above...the pics are way overprocessed..I also tend to do it a lot...and believe me...It doesn't help the pictures..If you are doing this just as a technical exercise then It is good..but if you are looking for something is a BIG no.. on a different note..if you get what you want from the pictures..overprocessed or is fine..
I have tried to edit my favorite photo in your gallery to make it look a little better and professional(or worse,depending on your tastes)...

-- The original pic---
View attachment 32580

My edits--

B&W version of the same pic---


And a sepia version..


It looks overprocessed even now but somewhat neat, it is all I could do.. :):)

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