My First Nature & Wildlife Post


TPF Noob!
Apr 2, 2008
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Kent, England
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A goose caught shaking yesterday evening at Dunorlan Park in Kent, England. No PPing as yet, I'm not sure it needs any - suggestions?

All C&C most welcome! :)


Awesome picture, love how you caught it mid shake, and you can see some of the droplets of water!
Awesome picture, love how you caught it mid shake, and you can see some of the droplets of water!

Thank you so much, Hannahbelle! Yes, the sunlight really highlighted those drops nicely I think :)
I think you have the same setup as me, Nikon D40 with 55-200?

Anyway, I really love this shot. What does it for me is firstly the shaking you've captured, and secondly the unusual perspective. Normally wildlife is shot head on or directly from the side, but shooting almost from behind makes this much more interesting than your average wildlife shot.
I like how you composed the shot, and you got good detail in the feathers (and the scattered drops). Nice start to what will hopefully be many more nature & wildlife shots.
Great shot. I like the water splashes suspended in mid air. Also, the colors are nice.
pm63 - Yup, that's my setup :) Thank you for the kind words!

Thanks everyone :D

Love the composition, and the action of the shot!! Good stuff!

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