My first photo post! One of my dogs and one of my nieces!!


TPF Noob!
Sep 2, 2011
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Huntington Beach
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Interesting images - just a request that in future, you number them as you post them - makes it easier for a reviewer to refer to them - that's all.

General comment - colours look pretty good and skin tone in the second one looks okay on my calibrated monitor.

First one - what's with the "blue" eye - not being a dog owner (our condo association has bylaws) I am not sure what is going on. Dog's head is centred - check out the rule of well, the background is a bit distracting.

Second one - cute niece, but again the background is very distracting as she almost looks like she is reaching out to a grab a out for what I call "sprouts", in this case, tree vegetation that appears to grow from her head. As well, the sky is blown out, but that is a problem when shooting from what appears to be shade with the open sky in the background. Shots like this may often, but not always, be taken in vertical, or portrait, mode. You did a good job of getting down to her level though - people often forget that approach to taking pics of little ones

One thing to watch for, other than the main subject being in sharp focus, is the background - I don't know how many images I have had, I won't say ruined, but you know what I mean, maybe compromised is better, by a bad background - if possible, try and work it so the sky is not part of the background, unless you are shooting landscapes or clouds of course .;)

Hope this helps.


My dog was just born with one blue and one brown eye. He sees out of it, it's just a weird genetic abnormality! It freaks a lot of people out though!

Thanks for all of the advice!
1. I thought the picture is decent It would look a bit better if the dog is framed a bit more to the left to give it more space (rule of third thing i guess)

2. I thought the image/subject is a bit under exposed and the background is distracting (the light). Maybe if you drop the f stop down it can bokeh out the background.
Beautiful dog! Thought you might be interested that when an animal or person has two different coloured eyes, it's called "Heterochromia". That's all. Western Guy has said all I could say about the photos! :thumbup:
Beautiful dog! Thought you might be interested that when an animal or person has two different coloured eyes, it's called "Heterochromia". That's all. Western Guy has said all I could say about the photos! :thumbup:

Kate Bosworth and David Bowie are probably the most notable celebrity examples.

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