My First photos To share here.


TPF Noob!
Jan 1, 2011
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Well because the tendency of the drops photos that I read during the week I get motivated and did my First drop pictures hope that you guys like it.
C & C are more than welcome.

I named Floating Blue

The Red Apple

The Abyss

Breaking out.
Fantastic. What equipment did you use if you might share.
Fantastic. What equipment did you use if you might share.

Thanks for the statement very well appreciated.

I used a Nikon D300 with Nikon 17-55 F2.8 and a SB-900 as main illumination.
BG it was a Box with a different colored papers for backgrounds.
Flash It was bouncing to the BOX and the paper change the color of the source light.

Which as the same time get reflected on the water the rest is timing with the drop and a Looooot of patience.
Superb shots; please mention all the technical story behind these images

Regards :D

Thanks for the comment Glad that you liked.

Basically I explain the layout on the previous post but Technical data was F 8.0 with a shutter of 1/250 sec. ISO 100 I think that the flash was a 64 of the power
They all have amazing definition. The 3rd one almost looks like a 3D render, such detail it has.

Thanks for sharing your specs.
Amazing results, some of the best droplets I've ever seen in fact.

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