My first pics to share!


TPF Noob!
Jan 26, 2011
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I visited a military park today and took some pics for practice. This is my first time sharing them. I am still new at photography, so any opinions regarding how I can improve is welcome. Thanks



1. I personally would try to get all of the stairs in the picture. I don't like the look of the stairs being cut off. Maybe try taking the picture standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up to the middle of the building?

2. I like the canons but I think a little Dof would have been very nice here.
3. Try this pic in black and white.
4. The tombstone is ok. the tree in the middle tAkes away from it though.

I hope this helps.
Very nice job. Just a couple of things. with the cannons, maybe step out to the left so we can see the opening of all of them? might be kinda neat, but I wasn't there either. the tombstone needs to be a little more to the right in the photo. If your new to photography you want to try to keep things in thirds. imagine 2 lines drawn horizontally and vertically in the pic breaking it up into thirds. this is line is where you want to try and keep your subjects so its more pleasing to the eye. Google and read up on it.

great job though. you have a nice eye for photography
some very good points already, you do have an eye and veery good photos but like on the canons like said more to the left and I think you were also zooming in too close, I like the feel in looking at a picture like you are walking up to it, same with the stone. the bridge pic is nice but a little too much blank sky, good example of using thirds your pic is cut in half, but I also realize you were probably trying to keep the flag in the shot, also a good reason to keep back from your subject and get a longer shot.... thanks for sharing I enjoyed your shots:thumbup:
wide aperture in the canons picture would make it nicer.. good spot btw
Thanks for the tips I have some different shots of the same pics I will repost with the suggestions and see if they look better

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