My First Pictures - Gauthier Photography


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Timmins, Ontario, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hi there,

I know I already posted this in the Welcome section but I am really looking for some CC! :) Thanks!



Welcome (What's all that white stuff in your images?).

C&C per req:

1. Angles are a personal preference; I don't prefer them, and to my eye, it makes the girl with the yellow scarf appear to have freakishly long legs. Other than that, it's a nice image, although I think a fill-light, camera right to give a little sparkle to their eyes and bring out some detail in the dark clothing would have helped.

2. This one is nice, but both this and #1 lose a lot due to the busy, cluttered background you've chosen. Even though it is somewhat softly focused, the girls still appear to have trees growing out of their heads.

3. Cute; nice catchlights, but the skin on her face seems a trifle hot and the reflection on the doll's eye bothers me. I think I would have preferred just one toy rather than two.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

Thanks a bunch! I appreciate your comments. I really need to get a speed light in order to get the sparkle in their eyes. #3 she sure is cute but she was really hard to work with! Thanks
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Really like the first two pics. Not sure what the previous post was talking about with long legs
and tree growing out of heads but whatever. Its extremely easy to be a critique on someone elses work.

Nice job! Keep shooting.
Thanks a bunch! I appreciate your comments. I really need to get a speed light in order to get the sparkle in their eyes. #3 she sure is cute but she was really hard to work with! Thanks
Consider a reflector if a speedlight is beyond the budget right now.
Thanks a bunch! I appreciate your comments. I really need to get a speed light in order to get the sparkle in their eyes. #3 she sure is cute but she was really hard to work with! Thanks
Consider a reflector if a speedlight is beyond the budget right now.

Yes I am going to be ordering one very soon!

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