My first try at something like this.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 25, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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We were boating a few weeks ago and took a burst shot at my buddy jumping off the second deck of the boat.

I know there are kinda small but i just wanted to share.

Too small for any real critique, but I like the idea :)
Judging by the horizons, you following him into the drink.
try doing it on a tripod, wider shot and without moving the camera. then put all the layers together in photoshop :) great concept, your almost there :)
try doing it on a tripod, wider shot and without moving the camera. then put all the layers together in photoshop :) great concept, your almost there :)

Or take the existing shots and create a montage with the same areas in the different images overlapping so they line up. Do it in Layers and set the opacity just right and I think it would be smashing!

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