My first Whitebox


TPF Noob!
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Upstate New York
Can others edit my Photos
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So after having my camera for two months, I finally got around to making a whitebox. Bored around my house (waiting for Fight Club) I saw that an old cabinet had potential. Its kind of 'ghetto' but its the best I could do with what I had (some computer paper, tape, and some whiteout :p). Now for some of the photos I took in it, C&C welcome (I've only been in photo 2 months, so dont be too harsh :wink:), please enjoy:




4.) The lighting/focus to get the rifling took me sooo long on this one.

5.) In the Arms of an Angel (long story behind the lyrics/vignetting, but in short, its for school).
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lol yea light box! i was thinking what the hey is a white box?!?

hmm looks like your lighting is alil yellow....what kind of lighting is that??
Haha yea, sorry, I was rushing to get ready for Fight Club...I meant LIGHT box.

The lighting is just some florescent lights that I had around my house (until I can do better...) and the pop-up flash on the camera (until my 430 arrives).
Haha yea, sorry, I was rushing to get ready for Fight Club...I meant LIGHT box.

The lighting is just some florescent lights that I had around my house (until I can do better...) and the pop-up flash on the camera (until my 430 arrives).

look into getting some LED lights...those are actually much brighter and does not have a yellow tint to it.
Yea, a few LED's are on my "To-Buy" list.

Any thoughts on the photos?
it looks good!! everything is sharp..the onlything i can think of was the 1st picture it was tinted yellow....are you using a white balance card or grey card to calibrate the white ba lance
Thanks =]. The yellow tint comes from the florescent lights I was using (doesnt show in the other two because they are B&W). What WB would you suggest using to get rid of the tint until I get some LEDs?
You should be able to meter for white balance on the xti I believe. If you go into your wb modes there should be a setting somewhere that will do it automatically for you.
I think the flash ruined the pic for 1 + 3; But I do like # 2..thats a nice camera.
Actually, #3 is the version of the football w/o the flash. With the flash, there was a HUGE blown-spot on the football.

Thanks :), its my moms old canon from the early 80's that my older sister uses for her B&W photography course (trying to give her some pointers, although I myself am rather new). Its really fun to use, gets great photos and its always good to dabble in both film and digital.
I have to say my favorite is #2 I really like the perspective and the crispness of it. The only thing I can think of to change with it would be the grey showing down at the very bottom of it. Thats what I really love about lightboxes with the white, you cant tell where the borders are.
Thanks =], that one is my personal favorite as well. I dont know why, but I find myself looking at it on my flickr page alot haha.
Thanks =]. The yellow tint comes from the florescent lights I was using (doesnt show in the other two because they are B&W). What WB would you suggest using to get rid of the tint until I get some LEDs?

Now... this is just a guess here... but maybe the fluorescent light WB???

(sorry... I had to.)

You should read your manual about white balances. It's very informative. I've read the xti manual several times to learn about my camera. Also, play around with bracketing white balance. It will help you learn about the color distribution.

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