My introduction


TPF Noob!
Feb 7, 2009
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Hello My name is Jason. I am a college student graduating in May (Finally).

I have always had interest in photography and never really had the money to get into. My life kinda revolves around my car, the race team and racing the car. so as you can tell most of my money is put towards the team/car. The whole time in college i always said i wanted to take the Black/White Photography class, but always money kept me away. well my current semester i had to take an art class, picked on and dropped the first day and decided its time to take photography. so i signed up and here i am now, fully addicted and hook 100%

I got my first DSLR (Nikon D50) for a pretty good deal used, just no lenses. So while being a college student tight on money and the start of the race season around the corner, i made my way down to the local camera store and found they had a Sigma 18-50mm 1:3.5-5.6 in the case that was an open box special, picked it up for under $100. I know its not the best but i figured it will hold me over for a while, give me time to collect some money and learn the camera a little better and upgrade over the summer.

I guess thats all for now.

Welcome and lets see some pix of this race car....
I dont have any i have taken with my Nikon, i do have a couple ive taken with my film camera but i havent processed them yet.

However i will post up some photos that other people have taken with my car at past events.


Most recent race, this past sunday



Last two were about mid season last year.

AX is probably even more addictive than photography. I'm a recovering SM2 addict...
AX is probably even more addictive than photography. I'm a recovering SM2 addict...

Yes yes it is. worst part is now my codriver and i starting competition gokarts. its a snowball effect, but i love every minute behind the wheel.
Welcome aboard! I started digital with a D50, it's a great camera to get up to speed on all the controls and fine-tuning. Best advice is shoot often & much!

Happy shooting!
Welcome aboard! I started digital with a D50, it's a great camera to get up to speed on all the controls and fine-tuning. Best advice is shoot often & much!

Happy shooting!

Thank you

In fact, my Nikon D50 just arrived at my door about a whole 20 minutes ago. Just started messing around with it a little. Gonna read the manual, get the batteries charged and im gonna being a lot of shooting this weekend!!

Thank you for the advice, and will be shooting as often as i can.

Nice and clean Bimmer I like it......
Nice and clean Bimmer I like it......

Thank you.

I am planning on giving the car a little bit of a face lift this summer as well as getting it ready for the 2010 race season. but that could be a problem with my current addition to photography. trying to split my money between the two is going to be difficult.
So how exactly does a poor college student get CS4? LOL just kidding, educational discounts are great. I like the glass and the camera, thanks for letting me play with it last night, i would love to see some of those party photos...
So how exactly does a poor college student get CS4? LOL just kidding, educational discounts are great. I like the glass and the camera, thanks for letting me play with it last night, i would love to see some of those party photos...


No problem, the information you provided helped and i will work on taking photos like that.

Yeah theres about 70+ photos, i need to get them through cs4 so i can post them up. Ill let you know when i get them up.

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