My last pro gig

Hertz van Rental

We're supposed to post photos?
Nov 8, 2004
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Where am I now?
Found these the other day from a film I worked on 5 or 6 years back.
It was the last professional job I did.


This picture was published in the News of the World - I got £500 for the one pic :mrgreen:

hey its Gary!.... were's the walkers?!... good shots hertz, vibrant colours :thumbup:
The original is better. It's a lousy scan that has then been Photobucketed...

And I did take some pictures of him eating some Walker's, funnily enough :lol:
great to see some phots from you hertz.

btw. What's Gaz doing with a raw fish??
It was a publicity shot. We had a lot of press photographers there - and we were also shooting the promo.
The film was about a fishmonger and the 'promo' had Mr L reading a 60 sec script that contained more fish puns than you would think possible - the Director and I cobbled it together in the pub over a pint. GL actually refused to say some of them :lol:

Somewhere there are over 40 rolls of negs that I shot in about 3 days :(
What a great expression you caught on the last one. Great shots!

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