My lovely dog dog

Aug 7, 2011
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South Range, WI
Can others edit my Photos
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So since it has been awhile I figured its time to get my feet wet again hahaha!

Here are a few of my boy koda that I took.


IMG_9948 by Rebecca Andresen Photography, on Flickr
1/500, 1.8, iso 100
what i like and dont like are: I should have closed the lens a bit more maybe shot this at 2.8 rather 1.8 and gotten more of his body in focus. I did NOT use focus points, I auto focused it and feel like it is more focused on the nose rather his eyes. I dont think it is that soft but I wish it was crisper and sharper but I'm also using the cheapo nifty fifty. The damn ball was in my lap I should have put it above the camera to get him looking into the camera.


IMG_0001 by Rebecca Andresen Photography, on Flickr
1/160, f 2.5, iso 100
This is me trying to work with flash. I was trying to achieve fill flash. I should have ran inside and gotten my speedlite so its a bit on the harsh side bc it is the on camera flash. Hes looking at the ball camera left so next top right above camera. But over all I dont think this is an awful shot.

So here is more of a question about flash. I was told to still meter but as soon as I pop my flash no matter how much i manipulate my settings nothing is every shown to be exposed correctly so I just played around with my settings til I found something to the naked eye that looked exposed correctly.

Do I meter with out my flash on? Then pop it up/ turn it on? I think I'm over thinking flash but I'm just not nailing it like how I would like.

So let me have it folks!!! :)
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It'll be nice once the oak tree's leaves come in then the whole front is ALL shade and is awesome to shoot in. til then pretty much my whole yard is sun and a lot of it haha
Pic 1 is over exposed, and way to contrasty, with blown out areas on the top of the head and on the right side of the snout. As you said, the focus is off, both from what looks like too shallow DOF, as well as I'm not sure what you were focusing on. The entire head should have been in perfect focus. You can use AF as long as you can have a focus point on the eyes.

Pic 2 has the head over exposed, the body looks like its exposed correctly, but there is a shadow on the right foot (the dog's left foot), and you cut off the paw. Under the paw is something that looks like wire from what's ever in the background. I would have also cropped some of that dead space above the ears.

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