My son and wife...Xmas 09


TPF Noob!
May 14, 2009
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San Antonio Texas
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Attempted a pic of my son and wife for xmas c&c welcome.....
Very nice. Imagine you'll be running down to your local photo-lab to get the Christmas Greetings Photo cards to send out this year. :)
At first I thought the thread read, "My son and his wife." When I saw the image I was thinking, "Man, she's a cradle robber!"

Nice shot...very evenly lit. Well done.
I like the lighting too. How do you get a nice soft even light like that?
Nice looking family :)

For C&C...
It looks under exposed a little bit. The white part of the hats is fairly bright, but that makes their skin tones look dark in comparison. Her skin is obviously darker than his, but I think that even his could stand a bit more exposure. Also, there isn't much light in their eyes. Just look at how dark the whites of their eyes are. They do have a catchlight, which is certainly a good thing.

I'm not liking the vignette. Not that I don't think it's a good idea...but it's not evenly applied. Also, they are not centred in the image. Of course, you don't always want to centre your subjects...but in this case, I think that an even space around them, with a uniform vignette....would be much better.

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