Name the snake!!! - Warning - Snake Pictures!!

Please choose your favourites!! (multiples allowed)

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TPF Noob!
Jan 29, 2005
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Meet the latest member of my household. She's a 3yo albino corn snake about 4' long. I need to choose a name for her, and I've trawled the internet for some suggestions and have come up with the following. Please choose your favourite!!



i went for venus and zena...... kinda snakey names i thought.... she's pretty :lovey:
I discussed this with my son and he ruled several names out at once (among which was Venus ;)), or Sunshine ... and we ended with a choice of four that he thought would be nice, one of which was Zena (!) ;) ... but I then went for Selena. Just so you know who that vote came from :D.
Thanks! Venus was my mum's suggestion and I think Tom was responsible for Sunshine. I like 'em all (except maybe sunshine!!) so I'll leave it to the masses!!

Thanks... keep em coming!

Looks like this poll is not going to make the decision any easier for your Rob!!!! ;)
I wanted to go for Voodoo, since everybody needs to have a exotic pet named voodoo :). I had a scorpion that i named voodoo, but she died a couple of months ago.
But since Voodoo isnt in the list, i went for Layle. And thats just because thats a nice song from Eric Clapton. Since its a nice looking snake........well you get it.
You sure?
You might want to keep in mind (having this German friend of yours, right here :wink: ) that one German expression for what the Americans so delicately call "bathroom" is "Klo" ... and rethink your preferences for "Chloe" as the name for your snake, when both "Selena" (my choice!) and "Zena" (runner-up to my first choice) have 4 votes right now, too!!! :sexywink: Hm? Hm? :sexywink:
LaFoto said:
You sure?
You might want to keep in mind (having this German friend of yours, right here :wink: ) that one German expression for what the Americans so delicately call "bathroom" is "Klo" ... and rethink your preferences for "Chloe" as the name for your snake, when both "Selena" (my choice!) and "Zena" (runner-up to my first choice) have 4 votes right now, too!!! :sexywink: Hm? Hm? :sexywink:

I shall bear that in mind!! :lol:

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