Need advise on filters


TPF Noob!
Jul 19, 2011
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Houston, TX
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I like to take pics of landscape and cityscape, such as water fall, beach, sunset(rise). I have done some research and read some treads here. Have some idea about the function of different types of filter. I have a D90, Nikon 18-200mm VR II len (72mm), and will buy a 50mm 1.4G (58mm).
I am wondering which filter(s) shall I buy first among ND, GND, PL filters. And which brand and model do you recommend? I am not going to professional, but I am looking for a filter that will stay with me for a long time.
For water falls, ND seems to be a must have. Is it necessary to buy a GND and PL?
Hope I present myself clear.
ND filters and polarizing filters are very different beasts, and I would suggest that you buy one of each. I personally wouldn't purchase a GND because I have no real need for one - I can replicate the effects in LR.

Buy B+W filters.
Sorry but there's no way you can replicate a 10-stop filter in post or even a 3 stop that allows a delayed exposure or wide open aperture in bright conditions. B+W is very good, what I roll with but there are other good and less expensive filters.
I would buy a set of ND filters for the biggest MM lens you have 1 stop, 3 stops, 6 stops and for very smooth water 10 stops. You can always buy a step down ring so they fit on the smaller lens mm you have. A PL filter only works with the sun at 90 degrees or off to the side but it will darken the sky a little. I like to get things right in the camera so I do use GND also hope this helps
Sorry but there's no way you can replicate a 10-stop filter in post or even a 3 stop that allows a delayed exposure or wide open aperture in bright conditions. B+W is very good, what I roll with but there are other good and less expensive filters.

Notice how I said I could replicate GND filters, not ND filters.
Thank you for your advise. they are all very helpful.
Nkpimages, what do you mean "a step down ring"?
A 'step-down' ring is one which allows you to use one filter on lenses with different barrel diameters. It's simply an inexpensive adaptor.
so for example you can use a 77mm filter on a lens that has a 62mm filter thread.
sing ray duo vari nd and polarizer ... all in one. then get the step up/down rings
B+W filters are expensive. It's over my budget to get all 4 stops (1,3,6,10) ND filter and PL at the same time. Which are the most commonly used stops? Any other brand with good quality and affordable price?
Hopefully someone can give me a list of specific brand and model in order of priority. So I can get the most commonly used filters first. I will play/learn with them first and save for the rest.
Try Hoya. Good quality at a decent price. The CPL will be the one you'll want first and the most expensive. After that buy a 3 stop for daylight portrait shooting to be able to use a wider aperture.
I bought Cokin and had no problem at all with their filters. Haven't really noticed any color cast issues that has been mentioned.
i have a hoya UV filter 77mm just to protect the front element. :p
So a CPL is the first one I need, and then I need a 3 stops ND filter right?

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