Need Suggestion Selecting Camera


TPF Noob!
Mar 18, 2014
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1. State your budget. Knowing how much you have to spend will allow people to accurately suggest equipment that is the best in your price range.
500-600 usd for advance P&S camera
900 usd max for DSLR including the camera body, kit lens and a fast lens

2. State what you have currently. This will allow for proper compatibility in the suggestions.
Nokia 808, Sony Cybershot, Olympus E-P1

3. State your intentions. Taking photos of birds from a quarter mile away and photos of bugs require vastly different setups.
Basically taking pictures of my little girl ! and using it for other things as well like travel etc

4. State your skill level. Don't be bashful, if you don't know what a function does or why you need something, ask away.

5. Do some research before hand. The Internet is a vast place full of somewhat accurate information. Come to the table with an educated question and save yourself and everyone else time and frustrations.
I've over researched and its making me too confusing. I was thinking of either going with an Olympus E-PL5 but the issue is that the prices of mirror-less cameras are high here in Pakistan. I'm thinking of either going with an advanced P&S camera or a DSLR.

If a P&S camera has the following options then I'll go with it otherwise with a DSLR. I've searched but can't find a P&S which fulfills all these options. So, if someone knows a model which can do the following, please let me know otherwise suggest which DSLR I should go for + a fast lens (to shoot children)

-Fast Auto-focus (required for shooting children?)
-Manual Control - like controlling the Aperture setting
-Can take Bokeh pics
-Has articulated screen for taking selfie shots

Many Thanks :-)
Ok, well since your asking about a fast lens I'm assuming that means that you'll be wanting to take pictures in lower lighting conditions without a flash, in which case DSLR will be the better option. Given your budget I'd take a look at the d5200 and a 50 mm AFS-G F/1.8 lens. It should suit your needs quite nicely, the D5200 you should be able to get for around $500-$600 USD, the 50 mm will run around $200 USD new. Should put you well within your budget and give you all of the capabilities your interested in, and of course if you need more down the road you can always add additional lenses or other accessories.
hmm I see Nikon fans here... no canon suggestions? I read that Nikon's lenses are more expensive compared to Canon...?

EDIT: What about Bridge cameras?
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Nikon D5200-amazing powerful camera for the money.
To save on cash get the body and buy the lenses used like I did.
Nikon 18-55mm VR is 100$ used on ebay
Nikon 50mm 1.8G 150$ use on ebay

Or you can buy these 2 lenses new, the 18-55mm VR as a kit lens to the D5200 and the Nikon 50mm 1.8G is around 200$ new.

Good luck.
Sony a6000 comes out next month. It's $800 with just the kit lens but you can save up for more lenses down the road. It's boasting the fastest AF period. Faster than any DSLR. It also shoots at 11fps and has the same sensor as my prosumer a77.

For something a little cheaper you could get the Sony a65. Again, same 24mp sensor but 10fps and the AF won't be as advanced as the a6000.
Just saw that the D5200 (body only) is showing the same price tag of the D3300 with the lit lens. This is a fantastic deal.

Nikon D5200 Digital SLR Camera (Body Only) [USD $646.95]

Nikon D5200 (18-55mm) is available for around 650usd here in Pakistan ( but am not sure if I want to go with Nikon... :(

Snapsort result shows that Nikon D5200 is better then Canon Rebel SL1/Canon 100D and even better then 60D. More confusion :P
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No problem, You should have said that before ;)
Canon is just great as well. Good luck!
Canon makes good camera but their entry level cameras t3i, t5i sensor is pretty old and shows its age in low light and in dynamic range, still they are good cameras but I think in their price range Nikon cameras are better.
As for lenses Canon and Nikon lenses are very close in quality and prices.
Not going to recommend a specific model, but keep in the back of your head the size of it and will you be carrying it with you all the time. Having a camera with you when the kiddos do those cute things is a big factor, so if you leave the DSLR home because it was bulky be ready to use your cell phone and still get crappy shots.
Hello everyone...please suggest one of the following and kindly advise if I should go with kit-lens, or just get the body and a faster lens like 50mm f/1.8...

Nikon D3200 - 485 usd
Nikon D5100 - 516 usd
Canon 600D - 593 usd
(all above with 18-55 kit lens)
If you get a good deal, consider to get a D5200 with the 18-55mm kit lens. Later you can get either a 35mm f/1.8G or a 50mm f/1.8G lens as well.

Among your options: Nikon D5100 +
18-55mm kit lens. Later you can get either a 35mm f/1.8G or a 50mm f/1.8G lens as well.
Hello everyone...please suggest one of the following and kindly advise if I should go with kit-lens, or just get the body and a faster lens like 50mm f/1.8...

Nikon D3200 - 485 usd
Nikon D5100 - 516 usd
Canon 600D - 593 usd
(all above with 18-55 kit lens)
Easy, I would get the D3200 for 485$

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