Neuschwanstein castle

lil dvl

TPF Noob!
May 26, 2006
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the land of Aus
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just a couple pictures of this very amazing castle in southern germany. (september 05). it may look familiar as it is also the castle walt disney got there idea from!


I really really like these shots. I like how you composed it with the tree in the first one, and those dramatic clouds in the second are just killer
First one is GREAT! love the foreground object, great depth cues, nice vantage point.
believe it or not they where both taken on the same day. in the second image it was all dark a stormy then the sun poped out from the clouds and beamed onto the castle and no where else, it was amazing... the first image was taken after hikeing up the mountain, thankfully the sun had come out by the time i got to the top! i used the tree to make a bit of a boarder and it turned out pretty good!

cheers for your comments!
gorgeous! love the first one for its POV.. :)
Great shots. Im really diggin the second one. Could be in one of those castle calenders.
great shots... love the POV in the first, but my favorite is definitely the second... awesome!
It is in my country and I have NEVER been there to look at it. Haven't even ever seen it from afar! I must rely on photos to see it ;). So thanks for providing me with yet another one - and I must say your Photo 1 here is surprisingly different from the usual with its point of view. I appreciate that!
I love these pictures... it just makes me want to be there:)
i hear you there, i wish i was there aswell, enjoying the beer and beautiful women. hopefully next summer ill be back to europe, i cant wait!
I must say your Photo 1 here is surprisingly different from the usual with its point of view.
yeah it is, most are taken with the castle front on! i just like to be different! eather that or i was too lazy to hike any further! ;)

thanks for all the +ve feedback!

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