new at photogerphy looking for filters

the only filters you really need for digital are a CPL and ND filters. Get one really good CPL and 2-3 good ND filters of varying strength and be done with filters.
LIke it was said above, only two filters you need are the CP and ND (maybe a few in different stops).

And although the link you are looking at is from a paid sponsor here, consider that a lot of the stuff they are selling are cheap knock offs that violate all kinds of patents from legit companies and the quality is really poor.
Get filters the diameter of your largest lens and a step up ring to adapt between the smaller and the larger. It beats buying the same filter for each diameter.

Most of the colored filters in that Cokin set are primarily for black and white, and are used to control contrast on one or more color channel. If you use them on a color shot they are going to give it an odd color cast.
Get filters the diameter of your largest lens and a step up ring to adapt between the smaller and the larger. It beats buying the same filter for each diameter.

Most of the colored filters in that Cokin set are primarily for black and white, and are used to control contrast on one or more color channel. If you use them on a color shot they are going to give it an odd color cast.

Yeah, and not only are they used for black and white, they're only used for black and white film (or if you shoot in monochrome mode in your digital camera). everything they can do can be perfectly replicated, with less loss in image quality, in post with digital.
What are you expecting filters to do for you?
Maybe a Canon 500D or 250D, a screw-on, + diopter "lens", aka, a high-quality, 2-element, achromatic close-up filter that allows you to get better close-up pictures. I have the larger size 500D, and it's actually a very well-made, good-performing + diopter lens. Handier than extension tubes, and with good image quality. I think for the 70-300, the 250D is the model you'd want. BUY IT USED, and save a bunch of money!!!

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