new guy and his pictures (10)


TPF Noob!
Apr 9, 2008
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm totally new to photography but my fiance has been interested in for years and years. I guess I wanted a hobby I could dump all my money into - I seem to have found it.

on with the photos

C&C welcomed and encouraged...









Very nice photos, welcome to TPF.
They are all good photos to me. Of course I can make critics but they are good.

Becareful with that dog. This is the same dog I saw on TV who swallowed snap shooter olympus camera on olympus ad. Hold fast to your camera.:D
feel free to criticize - I would like to know what you all think honestly
feel free to criticize - I would like to know what you all think honestly
I'm probably not the best judge on this, but I'll give it a try.

No.'s 1,3 and 5 are awesome photos IMO. All interesting and all well composed and captured.

The others are just lacking that certain something that grabs my interest. To me they're just pictures of doors or pictures of windows. Very nice doors and windows, but nonetheless still just doors and windows. It just needs that extra something to grab my attention. Maybe an interesting point of view or some nice vivid colours like in no.3

Just something to ponder, perhaps...
Ryan, first thing is welcome to you to the forum. The 2nd is for everyone:
When you need the C&C there are few things to undertand.

1. The time the computer load the pictures from the moment we click. The more pictures there are - the longer it will load. There are many threads to look, and most of the posters placed a lot of pictures. I have fast broadband now so I got no problem loading, but how about others?

2. Human mind tend to reject heavy load that overwhelming it's capabilities at once. This is a well known science.

So if the poster post one or two photos, it gives the viewer time to digest the sceneries in his/her vicinity into the analytical brain to evaluate. Otherwise the brain will bypass them.
Great shots!
LOVE 1, 5 and 9
thanks for the comments and suggestions. I'll take them to heart next time I'm out shooting. Please, if anyone has anymore suggestions on how I can improve my shots, let me know. These particular photos are from about 3 weeks ago when I was just starting out. I've noticed lately that my photos haven't exactly been wowing me and it has become a little discouraging but I know inspiration and better shots will come with time. I've been reading up on photography and taking pictures - a lot.

I'm still figuring out what my camera can do and different techniques. I still haven't even delved into my flash yet but I'm eager to learn about the different things I can do with it.
Ryan: If you don't mind, what was your objective in taking these photographs? There are one I like and ones I don't care about for no particular reason except thats just old me. If, for instance you were just trying out a new camera and snaping anything that caught your eye, they are good, a couple great, none real bad. The one I dislike the most is the window framed by tree limbs that kind of get in the way. you probibally did not even see them.
That said, tell us your honest critique of your pictures. only you know what you were going for. If you got it, the picture, even if it is not to my tast, is succesful. The little details and tricks will come later.
You say that you are disappointed in your subsequent attempts. I suspect you are developing your eye. Your soul shows through on the shots it was obious you thought about. Keep the camera work simple for now, enjoy, shoot a lot, be your own worse critic, let us see how you do.
Judge Sharpe
Ryan: If you don't mind, what was your objective in taking these photographs? There are one I like and ones I don't care about for no particular reason except thats just old me. If, for instance you were just trying out a new camera and snaping anything that caught your eye, they are good, a couple great, none real bad. The one I dislike the most is the window framed by tree limbs that kind of get in the way. you probibally did not even see them.
That said, tell us your honest critique of your pictures. only you know what you were going for. If you got it, the picture, even if it is not to my tast, is succesful. The little details and tricks will come later.
You say that you are disappointed in your subsequent attempts. I suspect you are developing your eye. Your soul shows through on the shots it was obious you thought about. Keep the camera work simple for now, enjoy, shoot a lot, be your own worse critic, let us see how you do.
Judge Sharpe

My objective was to take some decent shots. I really had no method to the madness for these...just saw a good shot and decided I'd like to take it.

My honest critique of my photos may be skewed because I'm still learning what to look for in a picture but as far I'm concerned, I think they're fairly good. I like simplicity and everyday life situations and I feel like most of my photos construe that.

90% of these pictures were taken at work since I'm there 90% of my life - I rarely ever have the chance to branch out or take trips or even go on walks but I'm working on that.
I would like to, one day, work for myself...I always have wanted to do that and I like to think I'll get good enough at photography to do so - here's hoping anyway.

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