new pup


TPF Noob!
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
lincoln, NE
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
everyone meet Reverend... lomo script in PS (greatest invention since windows 3.1)

i would appreciate if a5i736 would not comment on my picture

cute pup! nice PP... I like the lomo effect.
Incredibly cute dog there. The only minor flaw (IMO) is that the white area around the nose looks extremely bright, losing detail in the fur.

What is lomo script?
thanks for the comments

RKW3 - a LOMO is an older cheaply made camera (similar to Holga) that produces overly contrasted pictures with crazy colors. a lomo script is just a script thats run in photoshop to emulate this effect. probably also why the fur in the face is blow out, because of the contrast put on by the script

heres another of the little guy
Personally Im not the biggest fan of the first one, but whatever you wanted to go with is whatever you like, and thats what matters most.

I really like the second one, with the Depth of Field with the dog cage and all!
i would appreciate if a5i736 would not comment on my picture

Oh, if I've said this once it must have been at least 5,000 times that picture of cute little pups really bores me to tears. This photo is boring, overexposed, lousy depth of field and has an awful angle to it. The background is too busy to make this anything but terrible.

Is this what you didn't want? :lol: It was all BS 'cause the photo, while slightly overexposed, is really cute. The second on is precious. (Perhaps a shallower DOF).

Yeah, what is the lomo effect?
thanks for the comments

RKW3 - a LOMO is an older cheaply made camera (similar to Holga) that produces overly contrasted pictures with crazy colors. a lomo script is just a script thats run in photoshop to emulate this effect. probably also why the fur in the face is blow out, because of the contrast put on by the script

heres another of the little guy

This pic is so precious. I just love the gowls in this one. Too cute.
That second picture is INCREDIBLY cute. I just think that a slightly closer crop might make it better....
haha yeah Kundalini, thats exactly what I wasnt looking for. a mediocre photog overcritiquing my mediocre shots (not you, him)

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