New shots - small town way out west - Marmarth, ND


TPF Noob!
Sep 12, 2007
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St. Paul, MN, USA
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This town has such old character. Let me know what you think of the shots please!


forgotten room


geezer's used books


old house


fuzzy field
I like 1 and 2 the best.

I wonder when the book store last had business? Gotta love a place called Geezers, lol. They shoulda called it Barns and Shambles.
i think they could all use a bit o' sharpening and a little hue/saturation work. they look nice, though.
This town has such old character. Let me know what you think of the shots please!
This first Photo that you have here is the old Jewelery Store, it's a GREAT photo, too bad it's so REAL!


forgotten room
The photo below was what was known to the Milwaukee Railroad as "Mert's Cafe" it was closed in 1993. The building to the North was a mechanic's garage. I see one comment saying they wonder when the last time Geezer's was open, the answer, last summer and will be again, this summer.

geezer's used books
This photo is the old Lawler Home, now owned by a palentologist who lives there in the summer. And this is a great picture, you should see the beautiful staircase in this house!

old house
This has been a spare lot since I can recall, the green building to the far is the local Post Office, still in operation, as well.

fuzzy field
Thanks for letting me veiw your photos, however, I noticed you posted you have family here..Who would that be?
Great shots! But just a small warning...

If you are going to be shooting in older buildings like that, make sure you protect yourself. I would bet that most of that pealing paint is lead paint. When the paint peels like that, it causes lead dust which sits in the area, ready to be breathed in. Lead poisoning is not something to look forward to.

Asbestos is also a concern with old buildings
Thanks for letting me veiw your photos, however, I noticed you posted you have family here..Who would that be?

Thanks for the interesting comments...I PM'ed you re: my family that lives there, it's my grandparents.

Great shots! But just a small warning...

If you are going to be shooting in older buildings like that, make sure you protect yourself. I would bet that most of that pealing paint is lead paint. When the paint peels like that, it causes lead dust which sits in the area, ready to be breathed in. Lead poisoning is not something to look forward to.

Asbestos is also a concern with old buildings

Thanks for the warning. Yea, I didn't go into any of the buildings, didn't have time, just looked in the windows. Good think to think about though, lead poisoning isn't good...

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