New Sigma Camera?


TPF Noob!
Jul 6, 2011
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I did a search and didn't see any mentions of this camera yet. I was looking at Sigma bodies on a whim at B&H and came across this Sigma SD1 Merrill Digital SLR Camera C26900 B&H Photo Video

SO - did Sigma decide to out Nikon Nikon? With all the hullabaloo about the D800's 36mp sensor this seems even more ridiculous...

If this has already been brought up please disregard it.
That camera uses a Foveon the megapixel number is a bit misleading.

46 megapixel (4800 x 3200 x 3 layers).
So in the end, you get an image that is close to 4800x3200, which is only 15.36 million pixels.
Seems I need to read a bit on the Sigma sensor. Thanks for the heads up.
The sensor is an impressive design. Max ISO so far is at 6400... It intrigues me. We were having a discussion about this today in another post too. The rest of the Sigma camera? Stone aged.
Sigma introduced the SD-1 at a RIDICULOUSLY HIGH price...and were the brunt of many,many jokes. Luminous Landscapes first annual LuLa Award for industry failures was given to Sigma for the pricing debacle. ABout two weeks ago, Sigma announced they were re-naming some cameras in honor of Merrill, who is now deceased.
Sigma introduced the SD-1 at a RIDICULOUSLY HIGH price...and were the brunt of many,many jokes. Luminous Landscapes first annual LuLa Award for industry failures was given to Sigma for the pricing debacle. ABout two weeks ago, Sigma announced they were re-naming some cameras in honor of Merrill, who is now deceased.

AND they've dropped the price, but not anywhere near adequately for a DX sensor camera with limited capabilities at $2300. Doesn't even begin to compare with the D7000 (at a grand less) in everything else.

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