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Aug 7, 2021
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Well did some searches for photography forums and this looked the most active so here I am. I was into photography big in the 80's until about 2013 and for some reason just stopped (don't even know what the reason is/was). Anyway I was at my restaurant and saw a young man (yes I'm old) with a Canon AE-1 around his neck and we started talking. My first camera after my "wonderful" Kodak 110 pocketmaster was a Canon AE-1. This made me dig out all (I have a lot) of my old cameras. I found 1 with film still in it. and 8 rolls that had not been developed and 15 rolls that expired in 2000. Going to use up the expired film and see what happens. Got the other developed and while you can tell what they are didn't turn out too well. Oh well it was fun getting to see what was on these old rolls. I'm a film guy although I do have 2 digital cameras. And mostly manual focus. I do love B&W as well. I like all genres of photography and have pretty much done them all. Would like to explore Macro a little more. Didn't like wedding photography at all. Hats off to those that do. Mostly like landscape and wildlife. Lets you take your time to make sure you have everything correct. Sports can be fun when you get those great shots. Well that is probably enough squawking from me. Hoping to get to know a few folks and learn, learn, learn. Good day to all.
Started with an AE-1 as well and it's the camera I really started learning photography with. Yes, I'm old to. Welcome to the forum and I look forward to seeing some of your images. Don't throw away your expired film as it will probably still work as long as it was kept at room temps.
Started with an AE-1 as well and it's the camera I really started learning photography with. Yes, I'm old to. Welcome to the forum and I look forward to seeing some of your images. Don't throw away your expired film as it will probably still work as long as it was kept at room temps.
I fortunately still have my AE-1 and I plan on using all of it. I am interested in seeing how time affects the emulsion and therefore the picture. Thanks for the welcome.
I would list my gear but it is to much so here is a photo of most of it. No flashes or lights and none of my really old stuff
Hello and welcome
I fortunately still have my AE-1 and I plan on using all of it. I am interested in seeing how time affects the emulsion and therefore the picture. Thanks for the welcome.
Unfortunately my AE-1 died after getting wet on a 7 day hike through the Sangre de Cristo mountains in New Mexico. M;y only film camera right now is a very old medium format Mimaya 645, but it takes really good photos. I mainly shoot B&W Tri-X 400 processed in HC110, but I do occasionally shoot both color negative and slide film. I process it myself, then scan it in for PP. Enjoy the forum!
Welcome, that is quite a collection!
Unfortunately my AE-1 died after getting wet on a 7 day hike through the Sangre de Cristo mountains in New Mexico. M;y only film camera right now is a very old medium format Mimaya 645, but it takes really good photos. I mainly shoot B&W Tri-X 400 processed in HC110, but I do occasionally shoot both color negative and slide film. I process it myself, then scan it in for PP. Enjoy the forum!
That sucks. I want a Mimaya so bad. Those are awesome cameras. My medium format is a Yashica and it does good. I need to get it out more. I’ve only processed one roll of film back in 85 or 86 when I was working for our yearbook. Never had space for a dark room. Maybe someday.

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