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Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
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Here she is playing with new makeup and colored contact lenses I brought from the US while I am trying out a Zeiss Batis 85 1.8 lens. I moved her away from the wall as far as I could to defocus it's texture but it was a small room and the lens on a Sony a6000 becomes more of a telephoto than I expected.

Nice shot! I'd say you got the DoF just right.
Not sure about the blue contacts, having seen so many photos of this lovely young lady they look a bit creepy to me. Her natural eye colour suits her better.

(Also contacts scare me, I had a friend who picked up a bug from washing them in tap water when he ran out of solution on holiday and he went through 2 years of hell, ending up with permanent vision problems.)
I agree completely Granddad I think they look creepy too. I mentioned something about the walking dead at the time. I told her if anyone asks where you're from say Isla Providencia. She would need to be Black rather than Indian for it to apply but her questioner wouldn't know that. On that caribbean island and San Andres, both belonging to Colombia there are quite a few light skinned Black girls with green eyes, product of the mixture English colonists (or pirates) with African slaves.

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