

TPF Noob!
Aug 20, 2011
Reaction score
South Central Kentucky
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello, all. I'm new to the forum. I've posted several pictures in the Member Gallery and have lots of questions. They will come as time goes on. Here's one photo for which I'd appreciate comments.
Welcome. With respect to your image, from a technical standpoint (Exposure, focus, etc) it's fine, but it rather seems to be lacking a main subject. I want to see someone leaning through the Dutch door.
Snapshot - agree with the others. What might be interesting in an image like this would be if the upper part of the door was used as a frame for something significant in the background, other than the vegetation that is there. If this was the case then, I would move in closer to the door so that a lot of the foreground stuff did not show. Just my 0.02¢...


Please let me add a little. The image is composed as a nearly centered, classical(symmetrical) image. Sometimes that's good, but with a subject of marginal interest, it only makes it more static. Get it off center, get the lighting off center--with shadows, etc., put something of interest into the pic, and so on. Technically, the exposure is pretty good, maybe an off-beat exposure would help?
Thanks to all for their input. Actually, I have reservations about technical aspect of the image. The grass in the foreground is a bit overexposed and the bush next to the gate is completely blown out. I should have mentioned that this image is part of a collection of images, "Doors of the World." In and of itself, it has little value.

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