No Picnic


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 22, 2012
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Sioux Falls, SD
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I've had this shot in mind for a while, but it is 45 minutes from home and I don't always get a chance to stop. Then figuring in for light, sky, and no vehicles in the way....

I wanted an air of sparse loneliness. I would have liked a little more open space, but due to trees, buildings, and the interstate, couldn't get it. This is the best the location is going to offer, I'm afraid.

Let me know what you think.

IMG_7267a by breckmiller, on Flickr
I think its a nice looking picture. I'd be happy with it, although, I'm happy with most stuff.
I like the composition but think it needs a tiny bit of space on the right. Did you set the camera to such a high iso to get the grainy feel in the sky? If so, it was a good move.
Thanks for the comments. The sky is actually processing artifacts from darkening the blues in the b&w conversion. Wasn't expecting it, but thought it worked. As far as more space right, not really. I tried moving right for a different angle, but the tables blended with the post of the shelter. Reframing from this point brings in more of the interstate (some already removed) and the overpass which really took away from the feel I wanted. I don't know, may just not quite be possible the way I'm dreaming.
I'm looking at this and thinking "The gills are not white, therefore not an Amanita - therefore, probably safe."

But there's much to like about this image. It's obvious, and yet at the same time, it's not. I see a certain echo of the clouds in the canopy. I sense a balance in the imbalance. The table/chair arrangement is a form of ying/yang.

I really like it.
I really like this. It kinda reminds me of a b&w pic from the 50's where everything is clean and new. I love how you took something so ordinary and made it interesting. Thanks for sharing it, it was inspirational for me.

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