Noccalula Falls


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 25, 2012
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I would like some comments and critiques before I print this image. Thanks.

oooooooh sweet. I'm trying to poke holes in the exposure, but I can't. I think it is a very nicely exposed image, to be sure. Perhaps the only thing I notice right where the water is about to fall from the ledge...there seems to be possibly some lost information...pretty blown out on my screen. I think if I cold get more detail out of that small
I'd probly clone out the people. highlights/shadows adjust might be able to bring down the falls a bit and even bring in more detail in some of the shadow areas.

what was it like in color?
ooops... didn't even notice those people. Yup...out with them...unless it's people you know and they are there for that reason...or something like that.
Guys, thanks for the critiques. I personally like the people because I think that they help add scale to the waterfall.
kinda like this is the way my brain was drifting.

After looking at your edit, I agree on the people. The image is cleaner without them.
I think the falls are scaled well enough by the ledge where the water is falling...but they do give scale....if you notice them ;)
I did more, played with the history brush, trying to add some depth to the rocks and more black/white vs gray.

maybe it work, maybe not. *shrugs* I'm bored and this is a fun image to play with.... lol

thumbnail sucks, but click it and see large size and I like the depth/detail of the large cliff rocks. :)

Guys, thanks for the critiques. I personally like the people because I think that they help add scale to the waterfall.

I was having a delima on that very thing when first viewing, I liked the people for the scale, it's a large fall, yet at the same you's cleaner without them. Your call though obviously, lol. :)
Its an awesome shot I would remove the people but that is it.
I agree with Ernicus. To me it needs a tad more contrast. Just a tad. There's just a very slight muddiness (if that's even a word...LOL). Much better with the people removed. Beautiful Shot.
This is the current edit.

You cleared up the muddiness nicely but it appears a little dark, at least on my work monitor. You lost the foliage detail. Maybe others will see it differently. With the overall "haze" gone does look better, just a little dark

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