Noisy, but interesting nonetheless


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I wish I would have realized that this would look cool sooner, because I didn't have time to fix the settings on my camera. Anyways, I thought this looked pretty cool looking out the window. FWIW my iso was set on 200 when it should have been like 1600. 3.5 ap 15 shutter speed, and 28mm. Should have been around 1600, and that would have made everything better. Probably less noisy as well since I had to jam the exposure way up in ACR to make it viewable.

It looks like a guy on a jetpack taking off. :lol:
I wish I would have realized that this would look cool sooner, because I didn't have time to fix the settings on my camera. Anyways, I thought this looked pretty cool looking out the window. FWIW my iso was set on 200 when it should have been like 1600. 3.5 ap 15 shutter speed, and 28mm. Should have been around 1600, and that would have made everything better. Probably less noisy as well since I had to jam the exposure way up in ACR to make it viewable.

Check out Topaz DeNoise.
i thought the higher the iso you use the higher the noise ratio will be?
true, but this was such a low light scenario to begin with that I think shooting at a higher iso would result in more sharpness and a better exposure, one that wouldn't have had to have been jacked up so high in post processing. I didn't even check to see what it was on when I shot, I just pulled it out and snapped before the thing got away. It's just a hunch as I tend to know not of what I speak.
I got a copy of NoiseNinja (plug-in for PhotoShop) so i thought i would give it a try. Hope you dont mind.

That seems to have worked quite well! How would you like to try it on the raw image and see what you can get? pm your email and I will send you raw image if you want to give it a try.
wow NoiseNinja really works! I am impressed :thumbup:
I'm going to have to get noiseNinja, it works great!

My Q?: Do you really want to fly if they have to de-ice before take off?

BTW; once the noise was gone, it became a really awsome shot.

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