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Noob Photographer Friend


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Jun 3, 2012
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Melbourne, Australia
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I myself am a photographical junkie, but my friend isn’t. He will soon be travelling o africa and asked me for some suggestions. He asked me what camera can he use that is cheap and has a great zoom, also is thee a good link for beginner photographers, or where he can learn wildlife photography.
I recommended to buy a Nikon Coolpix P510, I also said that the canon world of eos site has some great tutorials.
What do you think about these recommendations? Are there any others?

Thanks for your attention,
All the point and shoots I have used, canon's seem to be far better. Nikon on the other hand makes better dslrs and lenses. I would go with any canon point and shoot that has the zoom range he desires. Also don't forget the other point and shoot brands, unlike dslrs point and shoots are pretty good from the sub brands like Sony as well.
point and shoot?

smart phone
zamanakhan said:
All the point and shoots I have used, canon's seem to be far better. Nikon on the other hand makes better dslrs and lenses. I would go with any canon point and shoot that has the zoom range he desires. Also don't forget the other point and shoot brands, unlike dslrs point and shoots are pretty good from the sub brands like Sony as well.

What are you talking about? You can't just go ahead and say one company has better bodies and glass. Canon has GREAT L lenses and bodies too. When you meet someone who plans to buy a DSLR, I REALLY hope you show them options instead of just suing Nikon is better.

-ken Turner
TheKenTurner said:
What are you talking about? You can't just go ahead and say one company has better bodies and glass. Canon has GREAT L lenses and bodies too. When you meet someone who plans to buy a DSLR, I REALLY hope you show them options instead of just suing Nikon is better.

-ken Turner

Sure you can you can also say the moon is made of green cheese!
TheKenTurner said:
What are you talking about? You can't just go ahead and say one company has better bodies and glass. Canon has GREAT L lenses and bodies too. When you meet someone who plans to buy a DSLR, I REALLY hope you show them options instead of just suing Nikon is better.

-ken Turner

Sure you can you can also say the moon is made of green cheese!
Or you can say that a $10 UV filter is a good thing to have screwed onto the front of an expensive lens for protection.
Where can I find a $10 green cheese filter? :er:
I didn't tell him to buy the Nikon, I recommended it, not because it was a Nikon, but it had a great zoom! I also recommended the Canon SX40 HS! I told him to go to a camera store near his house, he told me that he tried both and loved the Nikon! This question wasn't about which camera is better, it was about using the best resources for a beginner of photography! So you can fight as much as you want but that won't answer my question...

Thanks for your concern...
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