Not So Cuddly


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Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
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This is a hipshot with a point and shoot of a kinkajou that came up on my porch looking for bananas (which I feed the birds). Should they choose to they can do some serious damage. :eek-73:

Great shot was this taken at night and what lens did you use be careful!
Yes it was at night. Taken with a Lumix DMC LF1 point and shoot camera. Don't know the lens specs.
Looks like a ferret mated with a monkey and this was the result.
They are actually related distantly to racoons, but no monkeys.
The thing that first grabs my attention is TEETH. I don't do TEETH. Got tangled up with a Bobcat at age 15, in a dark barn, scarred me for life!!!!
Nice capture. That thing looks like it could put a hurting on you for sure. A lady was attacked just recently in CT from a bobcat during the day, two other women came to her rescue and they where attacked. officers arrived on scene as cat was headed back into the woods and the cat turned around to attack the officers, but they shot and killed it in time. The Cat was latter determined to have rabies by the State Heath Dept.
A really great find, I hope to see them when I visit Colombia. Animals like that are quite difficult to find there.

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