Oh no she didn't...


TPF Noob!
May 22, 2012
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Oh yes she did just stick those lips out like 95% of todays younger generation. & shes only 2!

Now that i have your attention i would like your thoughts on these. i know i know i posted too many.


2.) too contrasty?

3.) is the left side too blown out? (face)

4.)these girls love to pose. & shes only 4!

5.) Straight of the cam, i liked it the way it was. :)
Here my 2 cents...

Starting with the very first pic.

1. She's looking away from the camera. It looks like you had someone off to the side trying to get her to pose. I usually have someone just above my head or close to my shoulder so that the subject appears to look at me rather than off to the side.

2. I would have tried to pose them hugging each other or doing something together.

3-6. Looks like you shot from your height looking down. Try get down to their level.

Last pic, background and soft lighting looks good. If you have a 50mm f1.8 I'd use that here and try to blur the background. I think that background would look nice blurred.

Overall, not bad. Last pic is my favorite.
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