Old photos


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Jun 16, 2015
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What is the oldest family photo you have ever found?
I found this one in a box of someone who according to the back died in 1887

AS00632_04eddison_pre1910 by davholla2002, on Flickr

Does anyone know who this was taken?
I’ve got tattoos on my chest of old black and white portraits of my mum and dad from the 50’s, before they were married. I think we have some family photos dating back to the 30’s.
Any photo? Or a verified family photo?
Maternal G-G-Grandmother, Cora Effie (Slate) Simpson. B. 27 Jan 1853 D. 27 Dec 1886. Nashua & Windham, NH.

Very nice, it is wonderful that through scanning everyone in your family can see photos like that.
I’ve got tattoos on my chest of old black and white portraits of my mum and dad from the 50’s, before they were married. I think we have some family photos dating back to the 30’s.

Now, that's funny!
Tattoos of your mum & dad on your chest?
Tattoos of your mum & dad on your chest?

Why is that funny?
No offense, but it is not something we see very often here in the States.

Well, to be honest I did find it offensive.

My reasoning behind it was that they will always be as close to my heart as long as I'm alive. My father died of cancer a good few years ago and I thought it was a fitting and lasting tribute to his memory for me. My mother is still alive but not in great health (she's nearly 88). Her reaction when I showed her them was more than worth the 14+ hours of pain I suffered under the needle getting them and believe me it was bloody painful.
Well, I'll tell you what. I won't post on anything you post & you should do the same.
Eh, right. I shall continue to post what and where I like as long as I adhere to the confines of the Forum rules.
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I have some old ferrotypes from the mid 1800's of my great x3 or x4 grandparents.

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