Our Trip to the Museum


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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
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On Sunday we went to the Nassau County Museum of Art. I didn't get the point of the main exhibition - something about power and art - but there were some interesting works on display and the grounds were beautiful in the rain. It was nice to get out with a real camera, my a6000, after using nothing but my phone for a while.

1. Some people brought their own art.

2. Some people got dangerously close to the art.

3.There were clouds on glass you could stand behind.

4. There was a room devoted to Tesla, which included this great-grandfather of my Weston Ranger 9 spot meter.

5. Here's a close-up of the patent plate.

6. On the way back to the car, I spotted this couple taking a photo in the rain.
If that guy in the yellow shirt stood any closer he might've gotten sucked into a void!

Interesting I have to say. And that Weston Voltmeter, is that cool or what!

I hope that guy got a picture of something besides the underside of the umbrella. Or, maybe that would've been interesting!?!
Good set, love the shirt in the first one.......
Interesting and enjoyable set. I keep going back to #3. The woman is standing in the clouds and the pose is waiting to cross the street in the garment district. It's so interesting to me.

I note the voltmeter has no indication whether it is AC or DC. I guess it dates pre-AC?

Thanks for sharing
You were extremely entertaining and i loved the tour... lol
Cool pics! I think the art in #2 put the zap on his brain, he looks frozen. Weston Electrical …. making America great!
Interesting and enjoyable set. I keep going back to #3. The woman is standing in the clouds and the pose is waiting to cross the street in the garment district. It's so interesting to me.

I note the voltmeter has no indication whether it is AC or DC. I guess it dates pre-AC?

Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the encouraging words! I didn't notice the lack of AC or DC designation on the meter, but it was in a room devoted to Tesla, and now that brings to mind the battle over AC or DC transmission of power that Tesla had with Edison.

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