Out to Sea


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 28, 2011
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United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
More photos of the ocean. :p

I didn't do anything this Christmas other than work and eat. So I decided to edit some photos that I'd taken at Thanksgiving.

The darks appear too dark on this white background, so it might work best to view this image on black.

Last edited:
"This photo is no longer available" :(

Edit: That is, until I click on the empty box and it takes me to the image on Flickr - which may have been what you intended so we view it on a black screen?

Anyway, it's gorgeous!
"This photo is no longer available" :(

Edit: That is, until I click on the empty box and it takes me to the image on Flickr - which may have been what you intended so we view it on a black screen?

Anyway, it's gorgeous!

Oh damn. I repasted the link. I think I might have updated the image from Flickr and that broke the link.

Glad you like it!
Wow, that's a really nice photo.I fell so calm when I watch it.
#1 really really really really like it!

Fantastic! yup... love everything about it... processing, color, mood, composition, elements... e v e r y t h i n g :D

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