

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 24, 2012
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Old Saybrook, CT
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My Owl set is still a work in progress, but I have been starting to at least find them...

1 - Had to blow the sky to get the owl exposed.

Barred Owl 3 by krisinct, on Flickr

2 - Better lighting, damn pine needles in the face.

Barred Owl 4 by krisinct, on Flickr

I started a set on flickr if you like owls... Owls - a set on Flickr
Beautiful... I love owls.
CC, love the first one, no problem with the sky being blown out - you should see some of Art Morris' shots, he does this all the time - Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART. In my opinion, it is probably a better image because of it - my real concern is the branch growing out of its head - you can probably clone this out by replacing it with some of the sky. You are right, too bad about the pine needles in the second one. If you have CS5 or CS6, you might want to experiment with "Content Aware Fill" to see if it will resolve this.

I cloned out the branch, but felt it ended up having a white halo, almost looked fake, so I just left it alone. Here's another owl (Great Horned) that was hiding this morning... I cloned a branch that was straight across it's face...

Great Horned Owl by krisinct, on Flickr

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