Paintball Action Shots


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2013
Reaction score
Quad Cities, IL
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These are my first shots posted on this wonderful site. I have been a lurker for a while, so I finally found the courage to post a few of my own pictures. Critique away.


The best shots in paintball are headshots, slides, dives, and shooting.. I competed in a local PSP tourney years ago and the pit photographer showed me a photo of a teammate shooting ropes of paint at an opponent and ended up being the cover of the next issue of some PB mag. Getting better and I do know how tough it is to shoot this sport let alone in the woods. Not bad work but look more like snap shots. Youll get it.
I'll second the first C&C. Catching more of the action would be appropriate.

Of the two I like the composition a little better in the second, but maybe shift more to the left so the subject is facing with an angle into the shot, rather than looking out towards the edge. The first is very centered and definitely has that snapshot feel. The second isn't quite so centered, but I think a bit tighter with more detail in the player would be nice.

You do have some decent color that captures the feel of woodland paintball and the DOF is nice, I think.

Agreed, these aren't terrible shots.. but adjust your composition, look for detail and catch the action and you'll have some nice images.
Not a lot of action happening. but, welcome to the forum!

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