Perhaps I'm a bit too anal about dust.


TPF Noob!
Sep 30, 2011
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I've read a lot on sensor cleaning. But why go to all the work?

Yes, there is dust on my sensor, but unless you sit there and stare at the photo, you won't even see it.
Depending on the subject, the shot, and the amount of dust, sensor dust can become very visible. While in Arizona a few years ago I got a lot of dust on my sensor because of a side-trip out into the desert and changing lenses without thinking much about it. When I got home I spent a lot of time cloning dust spots out of the skies and backgrounds of many of the shots. Sensor dust normally only shows up in areas of solid color, such as a sky, but they show up there very well.

Virtually every camera that has been used for any time is going to have a few specks of dust on the sensor. I check mine every month or two and blow off the dust that I can. If I leave a few specks I don't worry too much about it until I start to see it in the shots at which time I'll clean it thoroughly. And it isn't a lot of work. It takes, maybe, 10 minutes tops and a couple of sensor swabs.

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