Wouldn't it be great if everything in life were arranged for our own personal convenience?
Wouldn't it be great if somebody put the most critical information into a short, brief post, instead of BURYING the most critical information beneath loads of meaningless shi-+?
Did you not notice the pathetic total of a whopping TWO entries the last contest managed to scrape up?
You of all people ought to recognize poor writing when encountering it. Again--the last contest managed to scrape up two entries.
Obviously, the contest's entry process needs some work done on it.
Perhaps this was missed:
In fact, perhaps I'll change the instructions, to list JUST the steps to "how to enter" so it'll be clear how easy it is.
Then put all the additional stuff, about how the voting happens, how long the entry period for the current challenge is open, blah blah blah as "fine print" below for those who have the extra 90 seconds needed to read through all that.
Yes, the information could definitely be re-arranged, reworded, and such to make it easier to see the important stuff first, which is the theme, and how to enter.
I think what has happened is that over time, rules and clarifications have been added, and no effort has been made to be sure it is clear and concise. I can appreciate that, and I'm more than happy to work on making the information easier to read, but I stand by the fact that I believe the PROCESS is about as simple as possible.
But let me clarify a few other points:
1. *I* did not write those rules, they've been in place a while and I simply cut and pasted. Could I have fixed it? Yes, probably. But you know what? I've been BUSY, trying to get a several-month backlog of POTMs up-to-date, and trying to at least throw the Challenge up so that's it current. I've also been discussing some ideas to make it more interesting and draw people in, although none of you have seen that yet.
2. I do NOT believe the lack of participation last month was because of the rules. I think it had something to do with the LONG absence of challenges, and the fact that the last one that WAS posted was not finished for, what, 4 months? When people see that it's not being kept up-to-date, they quit participating. I have said this ever since I took this on a month ago--it is NOT going to be an instant fix. It will take TIME, but I believe that when people start seeing it kept up-to-date, THAT is what will help to increase participation.
And finally, and perhaps most importantly:
3. You know what would REALLY REALLY be great?!? If well-established, respected, long-time members of the forum would actually get behind this and HELP promote it and encourage those who are taking their time to manage it, maybe even offer their help as Leonore just did in order to make it even better, instead of turning what WAS a simple suggestion thread into basically a flame of all that is wrong with the challenge contest.
Now, if you will all excuse me, I am going to go have a daquiri or two--okay, I'm going to go use up all my rum--and then go to bed. And hope that I have a cooler head to prevail tomorrow.