Photo composition?


TPF Noob!
Jul 28, 2009
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I'm really really new to photography, and was wondering what made good photo composition?

like, what differs really really good photos, and the photos that suck?

here's my flikr photostream: Flickr: mynameisadamm's Photostream

all of them were taken with a 20 year old film camera, so they arent very good quality, but have a "retro" effect on them. I was wondering if any of these were good composition?
Really good photos have to do with the subject, composition, lighting, sharpness, Depth of field, exposure, and most of all the photographer (among other things.) For composition, the basic is to follow the rule of thirds. Google Rule Of Thirds and see what comes up.

Most people here don't like to click on links to view your pictures. Better to pick 3 or 4 and imbed them in your post.

To imbed an image from Flickr. Go to the picture you want to use from Flickr and click on "All Sizes" (above your picture). Select the size you want to display and then look below the picture for the #2 box that says "Grab the photo's URL:". Highlight to select it and then right click the selection and hit Cut (or Copy). Now go back to the TPF (The Photo Forum) post you want to imbed the image in. Click on the orange and grey icon above the message box (the one that looks like a tree with a camera in the front of it). In the box that pops up, paste the URL in box (make sure you only have 1 "http://" in the URL line before you hit the Ok button). Hit the Ok button. Click on the "Preview Post" button to see if your picture is imbedded in the post.
I'm really really new to photography, and was wondering what made good photo composition?
like, what differs really really good photos, and the photos that suck?
Digital Photography Composition Tips
all of them were taken with a 20 year old film camera, so they arent very good quality, but have a "retro" effect on them. I was wondering if any of these were good composition?
Those are mostly snapshots instead of well composed photographs.
Really good photos have to do with the subject, composition, lighting, sharpness, Depth of field, exposure, and most of all the photographer (among other things.) For composition, the basic is to follow the rule of thirds. Google Rule Of Thirds and see what comes up.


Image should say something. Regardless of what you're shooting (a bird or a groom) there's usually a reason why an image was created. Think about painting, why did an artist create this or that painting? Once you kind of get into that mode your images will be composed more efficiently.
Another point is with Digital you can UZI-SHOOT and some people do that only to throw out large amount of images. Try to look for your shop, think about it and as you shoot it (for now i'm guessing you're on auto - so exposure will probably be ok) remember that every image you messed up on you just wasted $1. (This is how we learned in film ;))

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