photography pet peaves

Im in highschool still and this happen to me today at break. This kid asked me what kind of camrea i have and i said i have a nikon D80 and he was like is that good and before i said anything my freind was like has like a $500 fisheye (not that, that makes the camera good) but then the kid was like well I have a $1,000 camera and its 10.2 megapixels and i was alright, is it an SLR and he says i dont know is that the good kind and i was said obviously you know nothing about cameras and i walked away. That bugs me, like he was trying to one up me for no reason at all which was lame.
I can't stand when people ask if a well executed photo was processed as an HDR. It's rather insulting.

You know what I'm talking about.
Things like dawn catching the tops of the mountains and brightly lit flowers in the valley below.
One of my pet peeves (not necessarily a photo one) is having to spend 5 minutes deciphering a forum post.

However, some of my photography pet peeves:
> people who use the flash at everything
> people who put the camera back into the bag while on. (This happened to me awhile ago. I tried to get the man's attention (he had a XT) but he just walked away. I think he was used to point and shoots because he held the SLR with the first two fingers of his hands. I've seen lots of people hold point and shoots this way. I'm actually surprised he could take a picture while only supporting it with 4 fingers!)
> Brand wars! I'm one of 2 Nikon shooters in my whole church. Everyone else (approximately 10-12 people) gangs up on him and me, trying to convince us to switch. It's pathetic, really.

And one not-pet-peeve. I love handing the D200 to someone when they ask to try and getting it back 10 seconds later because "it has no dial-turny-thing." (Mode buttons are best inventions in the world!)
I Hate it when I'm going through a days shots, find a few that really stand out and I think "That's really nice, I like that", then I come to places like this, look at everyone elses shots, and realise just how bad mine are! :lol:
People staring at You.
I was just watching a sporting event on tv and, as the camera panned across the crowd, there were hundreds of little flashes as people hopefully pressed the buttons on their P&S and I thought to myself,"each of those flashes marks a moron."
I was just watching a sporting event on tv and, as the camera panned across the crowd, there were hundreds of little flashes as people hopefully pressed the buttons on their P&S and I thought to myself,"each of those flashes marks a moron."

Maybe it was a "Back of the Head" contest ...
I know why it irritates me too. Its an expression that idiots use when they don't care about something or have no interest in something, when the proper usage should be "I couldn't care less". But that's American colloquialism for you. Okay, so this is a bit off topic, so I will return you to your regularly scheduled programming. ;)

off topic too, but I hate "look it". It is "look at it". My kids started doing it and I stopped them right in their tracks, it just sounds terrible.
Anyway, I get annoyed with camera snobbery, so what if I only have a D70, I still take good photos, because I care about my composition, etc, while I am taking the photo (although, I have to say that I do tilted horizons on purpose)...:eek:)

my next peeve is 'photoshop this, photoshop that' I HATE photoshop, I tried and can't fathom it out one bit, this is more to do with me than PS I am sure. I wish I could use it so I could join in the discussions LOL...But seriously, as a photography, do you have to use photoshop, what about picnik, picasa, OK now I am waffling...time to go to bed!
Thought of a new one. When I'm on flickr and someone takes a bunch of decent photos and turns them all "artsy" by applying so many actions, or rounding the corners (ooo, creative, its an old photo now!) or turning a photo of a beautiful colorful flower into something drab and unappealing, and they get 20 comments on their stuff saying "This is beautiful!" and I actually try to keep my work true-to-life, and get a comment per month... GRR!
Thought of a new one. When I'm on flickr and someone takes a bunch of decent photos and turns them all "artsy" by applying so many actions, or rounding the corners (ooo, creative, its an old photo now!) or turning a photo of a beautiful colorful flower into something drab and unappealing, and they get 20 comments on their stuff saying "This is beautiful!" and I actually try to keep my work true-to-life, and get a comment per month... GRR!

You get a comment once a month? I'm lucky if I get one a year it seems.
My Sure shot the flash is by default off and must be turned on manually, wile my C-743 is by default on, once turned off it stays off and my T-3D the flash is by default on and needs to be turned off manually with each shot taken.....Needless to say I have taken a hand full of shots with an unwanted flash with both the C series and T-3D :blushing:

That's my main pet peeve with my little Samsung S730; every time you turn it on, it defaults to auto-flash. IMO, since there's "off" and "on", "auto" should at least default to off when the AF focuses at infinity. If I want fill on stuff outside the AF focus area, I can turn it on manually, but since I use it a lot for security work, I'd rather not have anything alerting whoever I'm watching most of the time.

If I want them to know I'm watching, I have a taclight, or I can lug out the Minolta and fire off its 5200i at full blast and full zoom.

And, in defense of the "flash photos of the moon" crowd, using a little flash with a long exposure of the moon to paint in the trees is a valid use. Not what any of them were trying for, I suspect.

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