Photoshop 7 Question


TPF Noob!
May 20, 2009
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I am just starting to figure out photoshop, oh MAN do I have a lot to learn! One thing I'd really like to learn to do is create the darker edging around my picture, vignette I guess you'd call it? I've tried the lasso inverse thing, and all I seem to have is magnetic lasso, and it doesn't do a nice oval or anything. Any suggestions? Thanks a bunch.
Sorry, Im not farmiliar with photoshop, I use GIMP. But, you could PM the poster of that photo and they mght be able to help you if no one else chimes in on this.

There are many ways to create a vignette.

One way would be to use the circle marque (selection) tool. Add a new layer and drag out a round shaped selection, then feather the selection with a fairly high setting. Fill the layer with the color you want your vignette.

Or you could use the gradient tool and choose a radial vignette, then play with the settings to see what you get.

I'm not sure if version 7.0 has it, but later versions actually have a vignette feature, I think it's under lens corrections.

Personally, I always liked to be more creative than just having a round I would use the burn tool and darken the edges and whatever else, to get the result that I wanted. (always on a separate layer of course)
Book recommendation

"The Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 Book for Digital Photographers"
By Scott Kelby.

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