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photoshop .......!


TPF Noob!
Apr 23, 2009
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New Jersey
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
i recently got photoshop cs3 from a friend (for free) and im usually really good at figuring out how to use things, but wow. this program is not as easy as i thought it would be :( .... any tips on how to learn about photoshop or any tips you may have that i could try please let me know!
depends on what you're trying to accomplish. there are plenty of photoshop tutorials online and books teaching how to use photoshop. plus tons of video tutorials on youtube. i generally just find a tutorial when i don't know how to do something.
go to youtube and search for CS3.. There are probably hundreds of tutorials that will walk you through many different things.
How about any of the books or reference material your friend had while he had the program.... Wouldn't make sense that he'd need it anymore if he gave you the software........ Just a thought... :er:
layers layers layers

...did i forget to mention layers?
And add layer masking to that. I used photoshop for years without understanding layer masks, my work has gotten exponentially better in the PP dept. since I understood them. Of course, I jacked up my processing time as well.
Here's a couple of links:
PS tutorials are on the right side:

Click Here

I have not spent much time on this site, but here's another:

PS Cafe'

The cool (challenging) thing about PS is that there are always multiple ways of trying to achieve the same task. SOME are much better/simpler than others.

Just like anything else, the you get out - what you put in.

Study hard now. :)

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ok so i have another question............ is their sort of like a paint feature?
There are tons of great tutorials online. I tend to like the readable ones over the videos because they are easier for me to follor.

Layers are great, always use layers. I like curves a lot.

My favorite thing to do is push all the colors. Go to red and do
Red: 150
Blue: -25
Green: -25

go into blue and do
Blue: 150
red: -25
green: -25

and go into green and do

green: 150
red: -25
blue: -25

if there is a person in the picture, erase the layer from their face. Here is an exaple of a picture with colors pushed

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There are tons of great tutorials online. I tend to like the readable ones over the videos because they are easier for me to follor.

Layers are great, always use layers. I like curves a lot.

My favorite thing to do is push all the colors. Go to red and do
Red: 150
Blue: -25
Green: -25

go into blue and do
Blue: 150
red: -25
green: -25

and go into green and do

green: 150
red: -25
blue: -25

if there is a person in the picture, erase the layer from their face. Here is an exaple of a picture with colors pushed


Pushed the colors a bit too much on Rudolph here. :lol:
Yeah, I just saw that. HAHA thats what I get editing at 3 in the morning.

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