Picasa - Facial Recognition


TPF Noob!
May 8, 2023
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I hadn't used Picasa for a few years so have recently reinstalled it on my latest Windows 11 desktop PC.

My main use for it previously was for facial recognition of family and friend, and this was ther reason to install it this time (yesterday).

I directed it to my Pictures folder on my D drive and ticked facial recognition. However after 4 hours yesterday and another 4 today it hasn't come up with any67 people.

Can anyone advise?

I have Lightroom and I believe this does Facial Recognition but I wasn't able to find a way for it to search my entire hard drive. (22,000 photos / 160 GB).

Can LR do this or how do I get Picasa to do it - or is there better (free) software.
Is Picasa still available...i use to use this and loved it...
Is Picasa still available...i use to use this and loved it...
Ya it is. I lost track of it for awhile but have it back now. I can't figure out photoshop and the others like it.

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