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Picture opinions? New to photography


TPF Noob!
Oct 15, 2015
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What do you think? If you don't like it maybe a tip please? I have a nikon d60 52mm lens


  • DSC_0068.webp
    847.9 KB · Views: 183
Its sharp and well exposed, technically its ok but nothing is really happening there.
It looks as if you are attempting an abstract with the mix of colors in the flags, but it's too literal, and then we are looking at flags.

My tip would be to try to get the entire coil in the shot, and preferably with some person coiling it or at least in the shot doing something.
It looks as if you are attempting an abstract with the mix of colors in the flags, but it's too literal, and then we are looking at flags.

My tip would be to try to get the entire coil in the shot, and preferably with some person coiling it or at least in the shot doing something.
So maybe it sitting in someones lap and them looking down into it? What if i also make it black and white so the person and background have no color but the basket is colorful
no selective color, cross that off your 'make it interesting' list. It's a beginner trick and inevitably looks like crap.
find interesting stuff and learn how to shoot it.
if you don't know what you are taking a picture of and why it is interesting to show to others, your viewers won't either.

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