Pipe Break!

Brandon Hill

TPF Noob!
Sep 30, 2010
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Can others edit my Photos
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Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been on the forum. Here's my recent project for Corbis stock. My friend had a good-lookin beard and a nice pipe.

Gear: I shot this with a Canon 5D, 24-70mm, pocket wizard with one strobe light shooting through a beauty dish. I'm a big fan of the fall-off that the dish creates on a subject's face.

This expression was nice and sneaky for a smoke break.

Not qualified to give CC on portraits. But a little dissappointed that this was not a shot of an oil spill or at least a basement full of sewage. Of course I kid.
I like it too and when I look at your avatar, you seem to go well together!
I've had a beauty dish on my wish list for some time now and images such as yours are the reason why. Well done. Thanks for sharing.
I've had a beauty dish on my wish list for some time now and images such as yours are the reason why. Well done. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks a lot, glad it's on your list. It's one of those modifiers that doesn't always reveal it's qualities on the viewfinder as much as it does on the monitor. It took me a while to fall in love, but now I'm just really happy with it. appreciate it.

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