Please, please! I need somewhere to start!


TPF Noob!
Feb 4, 2009
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Talk about buying the horse before the carriage. I purchase the Canon 40d, with a nice lens and I don't know where to start. However before you start throwing stones, here's my ideology. I believe that I should start with a nice camera if technically I want to take breathtaking photos, and just move my way to the top. Does that make sense?

For the past few weeks I've been been figuring out the features (although, I have to say the owners manual and trying to sift through web pages isn't my idea of fun. I've been attempting to understand aperture and white balance (but failing).

Well, I know that aperture determines how light the picture is and the field of depth, right?


I seriously just want to find a guide that starts me from the beginning. Perhaps for me I should learn one concept a day, go outside, and try the concept?

Well, lend me your ears.

Where can I find such a book or website that starts teaching me concepts and how to actually use my camera? Don't recommend me a book like Understanding Exposure, when I don't even know how to balance Aperture and White Balance correctly.

Thanks for reading :)
Where can I find such a book or website that starts teaching me concepts and how to actually use my camera? Don't recommend me a book like Understanding Exposure, when I don't even know how to balance Aperture and White Balance correctly.

The manual will tell you how to USE your camera.
Did you get and read Understanding Exposure?
If not, get and read that. It is exactly what you need.
Get dSLR's and Photography for Dummies too.

But really, Exposure is the biggest concept you'll need to grasp. if you don't have a grasp on it, you will have trouble understanding how to take good images (also called exposures :greenpbl:).

Set your white balance to Auto, for now.
Where can I find such a book or website that starts teaching me concepts and how to actually use my camera? Don't recommend me a book like Understanding Exposure, when I don't even know how to balance Aperture and White Balance correctly.
Good choice for a camera, funny thing is though... I use my XSi almost exclusively over my 40D. Just know you can take breathtaking photos with a P&S if you master the concepts.

Anyway, Understanding Exposure IS a good place to start, but when I started I read a book titled "The BetterPhoto Guide to Digital Photography" by Jim Miotke and it was very easy to comprehend the basic concepts of exposure, composition, etc. Then I read Scott Kelby's "The Digital Photography Books" which were perfect once I got some of the basics, plus theyre kinda funny :lol:
understanding exposure by bryan peterson

I'm a noob too. Everybody told me to get this book. I was like "Oh, I know how to get a good exposure." Ya... Not so much.

I had no idea. He doesn't teach you to get a snapshot, he teaches how to artistically use aperture and shutter speed to get creative photos. It is very easy to understand and the examples he uses are perfect. I've only scratched the surface of what he's talking about and it's already helped me.

Great book.

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