Ponte Vecchio, Florence.


TPF Noob!
Aug 31, 2007
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Avoca Beach, NSW, Australia.
Can others edit my Photos
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aahhh, lovely shot of one of my favorite places. Are all those locks still on last shop on the far side of the bridge?
gorgous image! seems like the buildings would be a little darker in relation to the sky though...

thanks very much...yes some dodging done on the darker areas.

aahhh, lovely shot of one of my favorite places. Are all those locks still on last shop on the far side of the bridge?

thank you....you mean these locks?
The dodging works fine here! Do you use layers and lasso or just a well feathered lasso ... or how do you do your dodging?
The dodging works fine here! Do you use layers and lasso or just a well feathered lasso ... or how do you do your dodging?

Hi Corinna, as I don't have many photos printed I use the simple d&b tools of PS on all the images I post on forums. I edit in PSD files and lastly reduce to JPG for upload. I have done editing by layers using the advanced tools but to be honest for sharing on the web, I like the quick, easy, simple approach. If I'm going to get a large print done, then I take as much time as needed.
Yep! Those are some of them. I always wondered who put them there - is it some kind of shop owner tradition?

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